
Survivor Speed Round with Michelle

Michelle answers some quick questions

Why did you apply for Survivor? Did you apply for series 1 as well?  

Yes, I applied for series one probably on one of the last days. I want to challenge myself and go on an adventure. I truly believe I can win.

What will be your strength in the competition?  

My personality. I’ll be friends with all… oh, and I’m single.

What is your Survivor game plan?  

Play the game in three stages. Flirt! And treat each personality and ego differently.

What’s one thing people won’t expect from you? 

To be a game player. I want to be under estimated. How did you prepare physically and mentally? 

Physically: training. Mentally: I write strategies, do puzzles, watch episodes [of past Survivor seasons].

How do you think you will fare in challenges (both physically/endurance challenges and puzzles)? 


Which part of the game do you think you will be more successful at: the social game or the strategic game? Why? 

Social; I have friends from all walks of life.

Do you have a limit to what you are going to do to win the competition (lie, cheat, flirt, sabotage, etc.)? Or rather, what is your moral game compass? What are you prepared to do and not do to win? 

A real winner never cheats! My morals will remain but I’ll play Survivor.

How meaningful is your word? Are you willing to break alliances if it will get you further in the game? 

It’s a game I will break for sure. My motto is: “If I’m number one, what I say gets done”. How will you ensure that members of the Jury Villa you helped vote off will still turn around and give you their vote, if you make it to the end? 

I’ll hand-pick my jury.

Describe yourself in five words: 

Energetic, Loud, Talkative, Flirt, Fun

Do you think you can win? What makes you think that?  

Yes! Watch me!

View Michelle’s full bio.