
'I Knew I Was In Serious Strife': Ally Kettle Voted Out As An Advantage Fumble Sees Old Alliances Crumble

After a public advantage was thrown into the Brains tribe like a grenade, the Bomb Squad blew itself up, and Ally was the collateral damage.

While the season of Brains V Brawn II is in full swing, over on the Brains tribe there was a gender war as alliances between the men and women clashed between the Coven of women and the Bomb Squad bros.

But almost as quickly as the 'Bomb Squad' was named, both alliances began to fall apart, and new alliances were drawn in the sand. Unfortunately, Rich's presence on the Brains beach was still to be felt as his advantage from earlier in the week came back to blow up in Max's face.

Before all that, Ally spoke to 10 Play about her experience on the beach, including the decision to play Survivor.

"I have a tattoo on my hand that says 30,000," she explained. "Every average human being lives to be 79 years and 4 months, which is exactly 30,000 days and I only have 18,303 days left today so every opportunity that comes my way, whether or not it be to impact an industry or impact children's lives in the classroom, I live and breathe that every single moment."

An opportunity too good to pass up, Ally knew exactly how she wanted to play the game, the plans she wanted to make and who she wanted to be while on the beach. "Of course that all goes out the window," she added.

"Twenty-four hours in and you're sunburned, hot, sweaty, you stink, and inevitably there's no point during the game where you can switch off," Ally continued.

"Your brain is constantly going 110 percent of the time and trying to forge those alliances, while you're focusing on how hangry you are, definitely builds lifelong bonds with people you're just super grateful for in the moment."

While the castaways may be bonded for life, their alliances were less ironclad, which was evident when Ally earned the rare opportunity to go on a reward with the Brawn tribe earlier in the week.

"Everyone was saying, 'She had too many champagnes and she was sharing everything' [but] that was part of my tactic," Ally explained.

"My tactic was to go in there, drop everything in terms of all the knowledge I had because I knew that would serve me well if I was to get to merge. Obviously I didn't, but had I, I would have had some alliances with the Brawn tribe because I had chosen to spill my secrets early."

Back on the Brains tribe, Rich's advantage was good for the next tribal council only, and when it was clear Brains would be going back to see JLP for a second time in a row, he very publicly handed it to Max.

"I knew that scroll, whatever it held, was going to be an advantage," Ally said, adding, "I knew I was in serious strife. I knew I was in a bit of danger."

With the whole tribe aware Max held the advantage, he read it out on the beach revealing that he now had the power to send two people back to the beach at Tribal -- promising to send himself and AJ back.

But when the time came to play the advantage, Max's hunger to vote out Myles became insatiable, and he instead sent Laura and Karin back to the beach -- blindsiding his newly formed alliance, and putting himself in a minority 4-3 split that saw Ally's time in the game come to an end.

"The Coven stabbed me in the back at the end of the day, so I suppose you can have all the alliances in the world you want, and all the trust in people that you think you trust but, at the end of the day, it was my own alliance that turned on me."

Despite the way everything unfolded with Max's misfire, Ally said as soon as the advantage had been read on the beach she felt like her time in the game had come to a halt.

"I just had a gut feeling, I woke up and thought today's my day," she admitted. "I went and sat in the ocean that morning, mulling over my life, and thought it's been fun. I had a gut feel that 19 days in, I had done well. I had survived... and it was time to get the hell out of there. I needed a burger.

"As sad as it was to leave my tribemates, the universe had played out the fact that it was my time to head home and I'm very grateful for the one-off experience not many people in their life get to do. But it was my time," Ally continued.

Looking back on her time, Ally said there's very little she'd change if she could do it all over again. Including her signature, brutal honesty.

"I'm actually really happy with how I played my game, to be honest. I think the only thing, if I had an opportunity, would possibly have been to get a little bit closer to Zara... but that would have just been to backstab her down the track."

Australian Survivor Brains V Brawn II continues Monday - Tuesday at 7.30 pm and Sundays at 7pm on 10 and 10 Play