
WA Wants To Ban 'Boomer' And 'Millennial' To End Generational Terminology

In a bid to tackle ageism, the Western Australian Government has launched the “Challenge Your Bias” campaign and wants to ban generational terms such as “boomer” and “millennial.”

The Department of Communities has created a guide featuring inclusive language while calling for an end to generational terminology.

This would see the end of terms such as “boomer” and millennial”, as the guide states that they divide and disconnect communities and fuel stereotypes against older West Australians.

The seven-page guide states that language “really does matter” and calls on West Aussies to recognise how what they say could be ageist, whether intentionally or not.

“You probably know of many words that promote a negative association with ageing and older people,” it reads.

It also calls for an end to phrases such as “over the hill” and “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

“Terms that separate generations such as Boomer, Generation X, or Millennial are unhelpful as they create conflict between age groups and can cause unnecessary tension,” the guide states.

“These generalisations are not scientifically defined, don’t have consistent names and are best avoided.”

“While reading this language guide, you may recognise some of the ways language and associated behaviours can be ageist and may find you have said these things yourself. Don’t be disheartened.

“Even the most ardent ageism activists can still be ageist to themselves or other people,” the guide continued.

“This reflects ageism being so covert and widespread and is why campaigns such as this are so important to raise awareness.”