
Statement From Assistant Minister For Citizenship And Multicultural Affairs Julian Hill

Statement attributed to Assistant Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Julian Hill MP:

“I have enormous empathy for the plight of asylum seekers and refugees, and the Government has implemented the election commitment regarding permanent protection for people with TPV and SHEV visas.

“Over 18,000 of the 19,000 Temporary Protection Visa / SHEV holders in limbo for a decade under the Liberals have now been granted permanent visas, and many others from the Bridging Visa caseload are now also now able to apply for permanent protection.

"The legacy of the remaining caseload is complex, and every case is different and needs to be worked through individually. Most of the legacy TPV/SHEV cases have complex identity issues, not character issues, and every week, the Department finalises more cases.”

“People have a right to peaceful protest within the bounds of the law, and nobody should be subject to violence or racism for exercising that right. However, protesting or camping on the street outside government offices is not going to make anything happen faster and risks putting the broader community offside, in addition to the safety issues for anyone choosing to sleep on a nature strip next to a road at night.

“Protesting in this way through encampments also creates legal risk for the protestors involved as if they deliberately or inadvertently break the law, they risk creating a criminal record which may raise character concerns and prejudice future visa grants. I have spoken personally with the protesters who have assured me that they will listen to all lawful instructions from the Police and Council.

“I’ll continue to work to resolve the shocking years-long mess the Liberals left behind, understanding that the presence or absence of protests has no impact on the Government’s focus.”