
LEGO Homes Cover Victorian Parliament To Raise Youth Homeless Awareness

Housing advocates gathered in Melbourne's CBD for Homelessness Week, calling on the government to take action.

With around 5000 of Victoria’s young people without homes, LEGO houses were built on the steps of Victorian Parliament to raise awareness of youth homelessness. 

"More than half of all single people seeking help from homelessness services nationally are 16 to 24 years old," Melbourne City Mission CEO Vicki Sutton said. 

"Disproportionately, these young people are fleeing family violence and have had the least economic resources of any cohort to survive the COVID-19 pandemic." 

Sutton adds that the youth age group is the least supported to overcome homelessness.  

Holding only 2.9 per cent of social housing tenancies and are cycling back into emergency homelessness services up to ten times other age groups. 

Photo: MCM PR Image