
Child Support Crackdown Could Lift Thousands Of Aussie Kids Out Of Poverty

Almost a million Aussie kids are living below the poverty line, with those in single parent families most at risk.

But there’s one simple way we could markedly reduce that number, by cracking down on child support dodgers.

There are 761,000 Australian children who are unlikely to be getting enough food, clothing or school supplies to thrive.

One in six Aussie kids is living in poverty.

But when it comes to single parent families, that number skyrockets to one in three.

The vast majority of those are lone Mums - fiercely battling to make ends meet.

Also contributing to the problem are the number of ex partners dodging their child support obligations, either refusing to pay or refusing to lodge tax returns (which are needed for the government to calculate how much they owe).

The true outstanding amount is unknown, but it’s estimated right now, half a million kids are owed $1.7 billion, and if that was paid up, 21 percent of kids living with single mums could be hauled out of poverty,

Today, a group of single mums has launched a campaign urging the government to overhaul the entire child support system, including forcing Centrelink to aggressively chase debt.