
'I Have Met Someone That I Really Love': The Bachelor Australia's Jimmy Nicholson Reveals All

With less than two weeks to go until The Bachelor season 9 debuts, Jimmy Nicholson has revealed how he feels about his journey to find love.

The 31-year-old pilot is set to become the talk of your Zoom meetings, as he gets ready to embark on a beautiful journey for love in front of the whole of Australia, from Wednesday, 21 July at 7.30 on 10 and 10 play.

"It’s getting pretty real now," Jimmy told 10 play. "It’s a little weird -- I'm not used to this much attention! I think yesterday, I was driving home from working out with a mate and I was on the phone to mum just having a chat, and I look up and there’s a bus in front of me with my mug on the back!

"It’s a really exciting time. I'm quite happy to talk about the whole experience because it’s worked out really well for me. I’m super happy," he added.

And while Jimmy admitted that he had previously watched some of Matty J and the Honey Badger's seasons, he also explained why he didn't want to watch too many episodes.

"I didn’t want to watch too much, but I just wanted to see what happens because I really wanted to make sure I was just being myself," Jimmy explained.

"I know there’s been really, really popular Bachelors in the past but, for me, I kinda just wanted to be myself and I wanted the girls to like me for me. I didn’t want to pretend to be someone else. So, I tried to run my own race a little bit."

Speaking of past Bachelors, Jimmy revealed that he had been in touch with a few for a little advice.

"I bumped into Tim Robards at the gym prior to heading into the house because I saw him training at my gym," Jimmy said. "I’ve seen him a couple of times before, but I went up and asked him for some confidential advice and he was great. He gave me some really good advice.

"Locky also reached out to me as well. I spoke to him for about an hour a couple of weeks ago. He just said, 'Mate, if you ever want any advice -- you’ve got a crazy few months coming up -- if you want any advice about it just give me a buzz', so I gave him a call the next day and he was great. He’s a lovely bloke and he gave me some really good tips moving forward. It was kinda nice to speak to someone who has been through it all before as well."

Having been in two "really long term relationships" in the past, Jimmy had been single for a few years, which was important for him, in terms of learning to be his own person. Stepping into the role of the Bachelor came just at the right time, when he was ready to meet someone.

"I think it was really good timing," Jimmy revealed. "I had a lot of time off work last year to think. At that stage, I knew I was going back to work so I was very fortunate. I just thought ok, If I can get leave from work I'm gonna really go for this because I'm ready to meet someone.

"It’s a franchise that actually works. It’s worked out for a lot of couples that have got kids that have come out of it now, a lot of marriages that kind of stuff," he said.

"Love is first and foremost, at the front of everyone’s minds. I was really excited about the prospect of meeting someone."

And while Jimmy doesn't work your average 9-to-5 job, he explained how he juggles working as a pilot and maintaining a healthy relationship.

"I think I was very upfront with all the ladies at the start when it came to my roster... It’s really important for me that I have someone that’s independent, that can do their own thing. I wanted to be open and honest at the very start about my role and the expectations as well for a relationship."

He also didn't forget to mention the biggest perk about dating a pilot. "At least I’ve got the staff travel card!" he laughed.

When asked about what he is looking for in a relationship, Jimmy wasn't shy about revealing that he does find love on the show.

"I was given some really good advice from someone I was flying with one day who had been married a few times, and he just said to me, 'Look mate, it’s really important that you marry your best mate. At the end of the day, it gets really tough when you have kids. The intimacy might drop off for a little bit and also, you grow old and you know, looks fade. But you wanna have someone who is your best mate, and you can have a laugh with.

"Yes you need the attraction, but also, I really need to make sure that I really get along with that person and we can have fun together, and that’s what I’ve found. So it’s worked out really well! It’s really nice to be able to sit here and honestly and openly say that I have, I have met someone who I really love and I see a future with."

And when it comes to deal breakers?

"I really want someone who wants kids. That would be a deal-breaker for me, if someone didn’t want kids. I really want a family. But also, it’s really important for me that I have someone that is a nice person, that I can have a laugh with and treats everyone the same.

"There is nothing more unattractive than someone who thinks they’re above someone else. So, I just want a nice person."

The Bachelor Premieres 7.30 Wednesday, July 21 on 10 and 10 play