

Ursula (Brawn)


Ursula is a powerhouse and definitely Brawn strong.

A fitness and nutrition coach, Ursula is also a mum of two girls and a powerlifter. Wanting to be remembered as being a fierce, strong and courageous mother, Ursula also knows her honesty might work in the real world but on Survivor could cause her some issues.

She says, “I am very honest, sometimes too honest. It's gotten me into trouble a few times, but I just prefer to be honest. If people can't handle it, that's not my problem.”

And while she means business when it comes to the game, Ursula is also looking forward to the social side of things, saying, “I’m funny. I have a very dry sense of humour and am loud and bubbly when I want to be.”

Very disciplined from her powerlifting and fitness lifestyle, Ursula’s family are also very sporty with her husband an ex-NRL player and her daughters in swimming squads which also makes for some competition in the house. Something that will work well for Ursula on the beaches of Samoa.

Ursula jokes, “The easiest part of the game will be stabbing people in the back.”