Logan (Brains)
Admitting to having no filter and a face that will give away all her thoughts, Logan is leaving her family in Melbourne to take on her bucket list moment.
A Survivor fan, Logan’s husband plays football for the Western Bulldogs which she admits makes her a WAG but wants to show the world she’s more than that.
Logan is studying a Bachelor of Business with a major in marketing, is a mum of two and says she’s ready to play Survivor for herself. She says, “I’ve pretty much given up my 20’s to have kids. I had my daughter at 22, my son at 25 and been with my husband since I was 20. I don’t regret anything, and I love my life but it’s time to do something for me.
“There are three different parts of me. There’s the WAG wife, the mum and then there’s Logan and Logan doesn’t get enough attention. I’m ready for it to be Logan’s time.”
She also says the contrast between her mum life and WAG life are vastly different saying, “It’s insane. I’m unrecognisable from the WAG side. I’m probably in three-day old sweatpants and t-shirt. My hair is probably matted because I haven’t brushed it in days and probably got someone’s vomit on me.”
Logan says she wants to play the game as a smiling assassin and wants to be friends with everyone before stabbing them in the back.