
'I Should Have Known': Kitty Blomfield Blindsided As Titans V Rebels Reaches Final Five

A bold move from Caroline wasn't enough to save Kitty as communication broke down and the duo found themselves facing a blindside.

On Tuesday night, Kitty Blomfield became the next member of the Jury, just missing out on making it to the final five of Australian Survivor: Titans V Rebels.

Everything seemed to be falling into place for Kitty and her closest ally Caroline, after the latter managed to find a hidden Immunity Idol so late in the game. Hoping to use her Idol to blindside Feras, Caroline kept her discovery a complete secret from her tribemates. But that wasn't the only surprise waiting at Tribal Council.

Despite feeling secure, Caroline and Kitty had been lied to and while they assumed the target was Mark - the pair were unaware that Kitty was actually the one whose neck was on the chopping block.

"When you reflect, and you think oh if I had just talked to Kirby, we should have known they would have voted me out next," Kitty told 10 Play. "That's what I think when I reflect on it. but it is what it is."

With the duo under the impression that Mark was getting the bulk of the votes, Caroline jumped up and mistakenly played her Idol on his behalf. It was a bold move, and an unfortunate misfire, that she kept a secret from Kitty.

"I didn't know what she was going to do, but when she did it I thought - oh that's clever. Then, obviously, they didn't tell her [where the votes were going] so it was bye-bye Kitty.

"To be honest, I couldn't believe I made it this far... I don't know whether I should say this, I never really watched Survivor before I went on so I binge-watched a season and a bit and was like, okay, f**kin' how am I going to play this game?

"I just went in and befriended Eden and Caroline, learned from people, built relationships and I was like alright, I've just got to stay one more day, one more day. One day turned into two days, turned into two weeks, and then I was in the bloody top six and I couldn't bloody believe it to be honest."

Getting so close to the final tribal is often bittersweet for many players but Kitty said she wasn't too heartbroken at her blindside.

"I wouldn't say I was devastated, I was actually pretty happy because when I got out, I got to eat all the food," she said with a laugh adding, "It was hard, it was so hard. I feel like they don't show how hard it is.

"There were three days where we didn't eat and barely slept, and then the constant, 'Oh my god who's going to stab me in the back tomorrow?' You're cold, tired, hungry, and constantly worrying about who's out to get you and whether they're telling you the truth."

One person she could always rely on was Caroline and, despite keeping secrets from each other - and the brief flirtation Kitty had with flipping - the pair fostered a trust that made them one of the strongest duos this season.

"We had a conversation and we both agreed, no matter what happened, we would still be friends and it's just a game... we never voted against each other, it's just that sometimes we didn't go together," Kitty explained.

Always one of the more formidable opponents when it came to some of the challenges, Kitty admitted that she was strategic when it came to pushing herself when battling for individual immunity.

"I really pushed myself at the start in the group challenges. When we got to the merge, in individual immunities, I pulled back because I thought if I go too hard then I'm going to seem like a threat like Alex and Rianna," she explained, adding, "I actually held back a fair bit in the individual ones."

One of the biggest challenges to Kitty's game was the fact that many of her tribemates quickly realised and used it to their advantage.

"It just doesn't feel good to me to lie," she said, "I know it's just a game but, towards the end, I was like f**k I've got to lie otherwise I'll get voted out! Then, obviously, I got voted out.

"I'm not saying that other people are dishonest... they're just better at playing the game. I just found that part difficult."

If she had her time over again, Kitty said she'd make sure that was the first thing to wrap her head around. "I would just be okay with lying, and right from the start knowing it's just a game - you're not actually lying to these people in real life, they're not going to hate you at the end.

"I think I would, now that I've played the game and have a better understanding of how it works, definitely do some things differently."

When she was initially asked if she'd ever play Survivor again Kitty's response was a quick "f**k no", but now that she's had some time to think about it (and some food at Jury Villa), she's coming around to the idea.

"Maybe it would be cool to go at it again and give it another crack, do it better because you know more and the challenge of actually knowing what I was doing."

Australian Survivor: Titans V Rebels continues Sunday - Tuesday at 7.30 on 10 and 10 Play