
Woman Reveals Multimillioniare Husband Still Charges Her Rent

A woman has sparked a fearsome debate after revealing her husband charges her rent despite him being a multimillionaire.

Taking to the popular Reddit forum 'Marriage,’' the anonymous woman explained that she and her husband have been together for 18 years, married for six, and have no kids.

She explained that her husband inherited the many millions from his mother four years ago and was able to retire at 50.

"My sticking point is this: despite his massive inheritance, my husband still charges me a monthly rent and bills me for every tiny expense," she wrote.

"I have a modest amount of savings (around $250k), but they are largely tied up in my 401k, so can't afford to retire anytime soon. I work 40+ hours a week, while Hubby stays home and indulges in expensive hobbies like golf and sailing, and takes long trips without me.

"Is it unreasonable of me to expect him to share his good financial luck with me?

She went on to explain that she had signed a prenup before their marriage after he had "bad experiences dating women" who only wanted him for his money.

"We agreed to always split expenses 50/50, and to never share finances. We lived quite happily in rented properties for most of our relationship, splitting the rent, gas, internet, etc., my share of which came to around $1200."

She went on to explain that their lives dramatically changed his mother died unexpectedly, leaving her husband with a $16 million inheritance.

We moved into our fancy new house, and as the first of the month approached, I (foolishly) assumed that my 'bill' would be smaller, now we had no more rent to pay," she added.

"But instead, my husband told me that due to higher utilities and property taxes, my payment to him each month would now be higher, to the tune of $1800/month. This is a below-average rent price in our area (believe me, I did my research after our discussion!), so I kind of shrugged and accepted this. After all, I was now making $80k/year and could afford it."

"I have tried so hard over the years to be a good partner. I want our marriage to work, but I'm at a loss over how to process my feelings about this. I feel misled over the purchase of our house; I also feel like an idiot for not insisting I was added to the deed before my husband purchased it."

"I guess my biggest fear is that once I've brought up the subject, I can't 'put the cat back in the box', and he'll think I just want his money and it will cause us to break up."

Many Reddit users offered advice, urging her to speak honestly and openly with her husband, with some sharing how they handle difficult financial decisions.

"I was well off when I met my wife. On the day we got married, I gave her equal access to everything. Had I not done that, I would be forever uncomfortable with the power dynamic," one user wrote.