
Wellness And Beauty Gurus Eating Dirt In The Name Of Health

Move over, Goop, because there's a new dirty little health secret on the rise among wellness, beauty and mummy influencers online.

The health 'hack', if you will, gained legs after fertility and hormone coach, Stephanie Adler, posted a video to her TikTok account explaining the health benefits of dirt.

"Want to improve your child's (and your own) gut health?," she asked, "Eat dirt!"

"[One] teaspoon of organic biodynamic soil has more microorganisms than humans on earth," she wrote, as the vision of a baby chowing down on dry mud in the background played.

Known as "crunchers', shameless dirt-eaters have been around for centuries, and now internet users are proudly sharing the wellness and beauty benefits they've reaped as a reward for their 'dirty' habit.

While children are no strangers to grabbing a fistful straight from the earth's ground, for those seeking a more gourmet experience, you can purchase edible soil online via platforms like Amazon and Etsy.

Ingestible clay sold online can vary anywhere between $11 to $27, depending on the quality and quantity of the soil.

One Amazon storefront claims their edible red clay is an "anti-aging" tool, claiming, "It unclogs the pores from sebum, tightens pores [and] has anti-aging effects."

"It helps in balancing the sebum production that causes pimples [and] dandruff. Thus, we get a healthy face…"

It may sound like child's play, but recent research has found that ingesting dirt really could be good for your health.

In a 2019 report, analysts revealed that, "The soil contributes to the human gut microbiome."

The analysts added that more soil in one's diet could also reduce the need to eat livestock and dairy products, which can improve the digestive system.

"Since pre-history, humans have willingly consumed soils as a supplement to their otherwise nutrient-poor local diet."

"They have used certain soils as detoxifying agents necessary for making certain food products edible and for medicinal purposes."

Similarly, previous studies have alleged that dirt can absorb body fat, can aid in the fight against obesity, and even improve one's skin immune system, and even reduce acne and wrinkles.

@stefanie_adler How to get the benefits of eating dirt without making mud pies! ⬇️ It’s easy for kids (if you let them play outside in nature) to get exposure to the benefits of soil! They put leaves in their mouths or have a snack with dirt stained hands! But what are the other ways to get these benefits? And how can you do it ‘safely’. 1. Don’t wash your organic veggies. Best if you garden them yourself, second best to get from a local organic farm that you trust! 2. Walk in nature! You know when the light hits a specific way and you see all the particles floating in the air, hiking somewhere that the particles are mostly made from natural sources (a forest, the mountains, etc) will inncoulate you simply by breathing! Breathe in the diet! When Ojai was 4 months old we went to Vail and I picked up “gut rocks” for him to explore playing with and putting in his mouth. Ie rocks with dirt on them but even just breathing that air was amazing for his little gut and ours. 3. Garden! Get your hands in some dirt. 4. Go in the ocean!! I put ocean water all over Ojai’s hands and face last week so he could get the benefit of the microorganisms present there (it’s the same idea) Avoid spaces that are sprayed with pesticides and rather seek out trails, or your own backyard (that hopefully isn’t sprayed or used fertilizer)! Don’t over sanitize your kids hands if they are dirty from natural spaces! Mud pies are not the only way but also a great way 😜 #guthealthmatters #babiesguthealth #babyguthealth #eatdirt #holisticmotherhood #crunchymoms ♬ original sound - Fertility + Hormone Coach