
Two Meteor Showers To Light Up Australia’s Night Sky This Week

Australians will be treated to not one, but two meteorite showers in the next few days, thanks to the coinciding of two cosmic events.

The Southern Delta Aquariids will peak on Wednesday, and is the third most powerful meteor shower to be seen in Australia.

Usually, between 20 and 25 meteors an hour can be seen from this shower during perfect weather conditions.

And this year, it will coincide with the Alpha Capricornids, which is a much weaker shower with about four to five meteors an hour.

The Southern Delta Aquariids are believed to be the result of comet 96P/Machholz, while the Alpha Capricornids are from comet 169P/NEAT.

The best time to see the showers will be on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and you don’t need any special equipment to view them!