If you were wondering what $20 decillion looks in numbers, its $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
According to The Moscow Times, the fine has compounded after years of refusing to restore 17 accounts.
The fine will continue to compound until YouTube unblocks the channels suing.
"Google was called by a Russian court to administrative liability under Art. 13.41 of the Administrative Offenses Code for removing channels on the YouTube platform. The court ordered the company to restore these channels," lawyer Ivan Morozov told the state-owned TASS news outlet.
According to TASS, if Google fails to pay the $20 decillion fine within the next nine months, the amount will double every day after that.
"We have ongoing legal matters relating to Russia," Google said in its latest earnings call.
"For example, civil judgments that include compounding penalties have been imposed upon us in connection with disputes regarding the termination of accounts, including those of sanctioned parties.
"We do not believe these ongoing legal matters will have a material adverse effect."