
IKEA Global Sleep Report Uncovers The Most Common Sleeping Habits Of Aussies

The new IKEA Global Sleep Report has revealed that no matter where you are in the world, people on average are missing out on an hour and 20 minutes of sleep each night.

IKEA surveyed more than 55,000 people across the world in 57 markets, one of which was Australia, to identify patterns in how we do, and don’t sleep.

“By understanding the needs in well-rested markets, we can uncover simple, universal ways to ensure better sleep,” Belén Frau, Global Communications Manager at IKEA Retail, said.

“Whether it’s bedtime consistency, decluttered spaces, or better sleep environments, listening to these insights are key to creating better lives at home.”

The report found that 16 per cent of Australians sleep in a ‘cuddling’ position, while 42 per cent of us rarely sleep alone.

1 in 10 Aussies are bed hoggers and 5 per cent are sharing a baring with a pet, as opposed to the 2 per cent globally.

Aussies also understand the importance of a good night’s sleep, with two thirds of us (or 66 per cent) willing to choose a good sleep over being social, compared to the global 58 per cent.

39 per cent of Aussies are sleeping back to back, as opposed to 29 per cent globally.

Worryingly, no matter the country, the report found people on average are missing out on an hour and 20 minutes of sleep each night.

That equates to 20 full days of lost sleep annually.

As a result of this, a fifth of Aussies regularly rely on medications to fall asleep, with eight per cent of people medicating to drift off every single night.

Could the high electronic usage in Aussie bedrooms be to blame? With 70 per cent of Australians using their phones in bed and 25 per cent working on a laptop or tablet.

Perhaps most interesting of all, in a full circle moment of sorts, 4 per cent of Aussie kids were conceived in an IKEA bed.