
Electric Vehicle Sales On The Rise In Australia

Battery-only EV sales are up more than 16 per cent, and hybrids are up a whopping 115 per cent.

The number of electric vehicle models has more than doubled since the start of last year, and more are on their way as more Chinese brands hit our shores, increasing competition.

And recharging anxiety may be a thing of the past – a new network of more-than-500 charging stations in regional South Australia seems to have allayed concerns there, with E-V registrations in regional SA jumping from 125 just three years ago to a whopping 2,100 today.

But experts say it’s still not enough.

But there are many other hills yet to climb: resale value is still low, and insurance costs about 20 per cent more than for other vehicles.

Still, the PR for EVs is improving.

So is the long-promised EV era finally here?