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It's Pirate Pups to the rescue when Carlos and Tracker becomes stuck in a booby trap on a desert island while searching for buried treasure.
During a trip to Adventure Bay, Tracker takes a nap and dreams that Mayor Humdinger has become a baby. Alex is heartbroken when his special birthday pinata mysteriously disappears.
PAW Patrol visit the mer-pups' undersea kingdom, but Sid Swashbuckle the Pirate and his first pup mate Arrby steal the giant pearl-making shell that gives Puplantis its magic.
Francois and a baby penguin get caught on the other side of a crevasse. Daring Danny wants a cool pet of his own, so he can't believe his luck when a stray baby hippo finds him.
The pups come to the aid of pop star Luke Stars, who has gotten stuck on a ledge while traveling to Adventure Bay to sing in a concert with Katie. Mayor Goodway's chicken goes missing on Chicken Day!
Cap'n Turbot's boat gets frozen in the Arctic Ice. The pups use the Sea Patroller to help guide a lost narwhal back home.
Daring Danny X accidently drives off with turtle eggs that Cap'n Turbot had hoped to photograph while hatching. Farmer Al's sheep-shearing machine malfunctions and all his sheep run away.
A mail truck gets stuck in mud, allowing a group of monkeys to make off with a present made by Tracker. Mayor Goodway turns into a frog!
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