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White Chocolate Dome with White Chocolate and Passionfruit Mousse

Serves 6
  • Steps
  • Ingredients


  • Preheat oven to 180°C fan-forced.
  • For the Chocolate Dome and Disc, place a silpat mat on a flat tray and place 2 tablespoons of melted chocolate on the mat. Use a large palette knife to spread chocolate to 1mm thickness. Dust passionfruit powder over. Chill for 5 minutes or until set. Use a 4cm round cutter to cut at least 6 rounds. Place on a tray and set aside.
  • Place a sheet of 6.5cm silicon domes on a tray. Use a pastry brush to generously brush remaining melted chocolate inside at least 6 moulds. Freeze until set. Brush a second layer of chocolate inside those domes and freeze again, until set.
  • For the Passionfruit Fluid Gel, combine sugar and agar agar in a small saucepan and mix. Add passionfruit pulp and lemon juice and stir over medium heat for 2 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Pass through a fine sieve into a deep tray and freeze until set.
  • Transfer set mixture to a small food processor and process to a smooth puree. Set aside.
  • For the White Chocolate and Passionfruit Mousse, place egg whites into the bowl of a stand mixer and whisk with whisk attachment to firm peaks. Add half the sugar and beat until sugar dissolves. Add remaining sugar and again, beat until sugar dissolves and meringue is glossy.
  • Add cream and beat through. Use a spatula to gently fold melted chocolate and passionfruit powder through. Set aside.
  • For the Passionfruit, Lime and Coconut Crumb, combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse to a coarse crumb consistency. Place a silpat mat onto a flat oven tray and spread crumb evenly across. Bake at 180°C for 12-15 minutes or until golden and crunchy. Set aside to cool.
  • To assemble, fill Chocolate Domes with White Chocolate and Passionfruit Mousse, using a palette knife to level. Freeze until set. Use a melon baller to remove 1 scoop of mousse from the centre of each dome. Fill the hole with Passionfruit Fluid Gel and freeze until set. Unmould domes.
  • To serve, place Passionfruit, Lime and Coconut Crumb in the centre of each serving plate and top with an upturned dome. Use a small amount of Passionfruit Fluid Gel to secure a Chocolate Disc on top of each dome.