Twelve Gladiators have their sights set on ruling the brand-new gladiatorial arena. A mix of disciplined warriors, mischievous rule breakers and gruff fighters known as the Gladiators will take on Contenders from all walks of life in the ultimate David vs Goliath battle.
The muscle and strategic minds behind the fierce costumes include athlete and coach Harriet Roberts (Arrow), bodybuilder Jaymi-Lee Morris (Chaos), athlete and TED speaker Damien Gilbert Rider (Cobra), two-time Ninja Warrior Tatyanna Pogonza-Dumas (Comet), fitness coach Blessings Chilufya (Cyclone), Commonwealth Games athlete and CrossFit games athlete Alethea Boon (Elektra), stuntwoman and MMA fighter Chanique Greyling (Halo), bodybuilder Kwame Duah (Maximus), former NRL player Sandor Earl (Phoenix), CrossFit Games athlete and former Australian hockey player Katelin Marks (Raven), CrossFit Games athlete Khan Porter (Spartan) and Australian ironman Jett Kenny (Viking).
Their years of training, competing and dedication has led them to gain superhuman-like status, and they will not be intimidated by mere mortals.
Watch with bated breath as the Gladiators and Contenders are put through their paces in a series of iconic events made famous in the original series, along with brand-new challenges. With the Contenders playing for the ultimate money-can’t-buy-prize – joining as a Gladiator in the next season – they won’t go down without a fight of epic proportions.
Gladiators will be hosted by iconic sports stars Liz Ellis and Beau Ryan.

In a Gladiators vs Contenders combat of epic proportions, who will be victorious?
Gladiators is made for Network 10 by Warner Bros. International Television Production and executive produced by Johnny C. Ferraro and Barry Poznick. The original Gladiators series was created by Johnny C. Ferraro and Dan Carr and produced in association with Flor-Jon Films. Gladiators is distributed by Amazon MGM Studios Distribution.
Gladiators coming to 10 and 10 Play in 2024