The King's Domain statue was beheaded and covered in red paint in June to coincide with the annual King's Birthday public holiday.
Police have been unable to track down the bronze head, but it was sighted at Kneecap's performance at 170 Russell on Friday night.
"Allegedly his head was cut off last year in the city..…anyways he was put on stage for a few tunes and then whisked away…remember every colony can fall."
Victoria Police has been contacted for comment.
Kneecap, who played at the Golden Plains Festival and a free gig at Federation Square, are known for their unapologetic brand of anti-colonial hip-hop.
A video of the statue beheading posted to social media in June was overlaid with the Sex Pistol's song God Save The Queen and showed another person writing "the colony will fall" at the statue's foot.
The trio, made up of Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Próvaí, have galvanised support for their anti-colonial movement around the world and are having huge success. One of their hits is titled "Brits Out".
The City of Melbourne council estimated it would cost about $10,000 to clean the statue and even more to restore it.
There has been a spate of anti-colonial vandalism in Australia in recent times.
In February, Vandals tried to strike a statue of Captain James Cook but were scared away before they could finish the job.
The trio attempted to use an angle grinder to cut off the statue's head but left abruptly after security notified them that they were being recorded.
With AAP.