
Get To Know Close-Knit Family, The Dalton's, From Gogglebox

The Dalton's have made us laugh and cry from the very beginning, and we're looking forward to seeing them on our screens again in 2021

We’re now up to Season 13 of Gogglebox, and you’ve been here since the beginning! What has been the driving factor in getting you to sign on again?

Millie: The driving factor has been that we are still enjoying the show! We love sitting as a family and chatting amongst each other, so it makes sense to continue on to season 13.

Kate: We all live very individual lives these days juggling uni and full-time work so it’s nice to be able to have something to bring us all together.

Matt: We enjoy the experience of sitting on the couch with the family and debating so many different topics.

You’ve watched a LOT of T.V in your time. Can you remember any show or scene that has left a lasting impression on you?

Millie: Back in season one we watched a show on the disappearance of MH370. That really hit home and shows how precious life is and how quickly your world can be turned upside down.

Holly: The David Attenborough Climate Change documentary. It was super eye-opening and important messaging.

Kate: The Four Corners exposé on the greyhound racing industry. The show was very confronting and showed the brutality and cruelty in the training of the animals. The show also led to changes occurring in the industry to improve the animal’s conditions.

Matt: Love on the Spectrum. It showcased the nuances of dating with disabilities and gave them a platform to share their experience in dating and finding love.

What TV show from the past would you love to see back on screens?

Millie: Sea Patrol! Holly and I watched this with Dad for years when we were kids.

Holly: Real Housewives of Melbourne or Sydney. I’m missing the drama.

Matt: Beverley Hills 90210. I’d love to see this show reinvigorated.

If you could choose anyone to play you in a biopic, who would it be and why?

Holly: Margot Robbie. We’re both hot and blonde ;)

Kate: Michelle Pfeiffer as I loved her in Hairspray and people say we look alike!

Matt: Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s groovy and sophisticated just like me.

What's the one addictive TV series that you can watch repeatedly?

Holly: Friends and Kath & Kim are my go-tos.

Millie: Survivor! Both the Australian and US series

Kate: The Brady Bunch

Matt: First Dates. I love the cringe in this show.

Other than bingeing hours of telly, what was another skill you picked up during lockdown in 2020?

Millie: Reading, running and listening to podcasts!

Kate: I’ve been mastering my cooking and baking which I’ve never normally got time to do.

Holly: Walking, self-care and embracing time to myself.

Matt: I get up earlier and take the dog for a long walk in the local area before working from home. The dog has never been fitter.

Has participating in Gogglebox opened your eyes to a bunch of shows/genres that you might not have normally watched?

Millie: Absolutely! We watch such a range of shows and some have as questioning “do people actually watch this?”

Kate: I feel like I’m across all the new Australian dramas.

Holly: I love all the weird and quirky characters on British reality TV.

Matt: Yes, Anh Do’s Brush with Fame. I now understand the lives and journeys of many inspirational people.

Join The Daltons on the couch and catch Gogglebox on Thursdays at 8.30 on 10 and 10 play