
'Nah F**k It, Plan B': Karin Gunatilake Makes One Final Hail Mary Pitch In A Chaotic Tribal Council

Just moments before heading to Tribal Council, Karin found out her neck was on the chopping block.

While she was under the assumption that her alliance was in good stead and they'd be voting for Kate, Karin was unaware that the entire tribe had come together with a plan to blindside her and her number one ally Zara.

With AJ spearheading a 3-3-3 split that would force them into a revote where they'd dump all votes on Karin, the plan was set and Karin was none the wiser. In a quiet moment between the pair, Kristin spilled the beans to Karin.

"That was 30 seconds before we went to Tribal," Karin told 10 Play, "I had that much preparation of internal bullsh*t to contend with before we went.

"I thought okay, Plan A: shut the f**k up. Just shut up! It's a four-three split, all I have to do is shut up, Kristin flips and I don't have to put Zara's name down," Karin said, adding that if she really felt like she needed the added security, she could have voted for Zara, guaranteeing herself another day in the game.

"So I was like... nah, f**k it. Plan B! Do the stupid plan."

Sitting at Tribal Council, Karin felt backed into a corner. She could go along with Kristin's plan, but that would also mean Karin was just part of someone else's move. A move which would also see her closest ally sent home.

Kristin had explained that Logan and Kaelan were keen on a Zara vote, so in Karin's mind, there were still some people on the tribe left who were willing to work with her.

"The pitch was: you've already wanted to take a strike at me, go for it! You want me out, great. I'll give you the perfect opportunity to go after someone else who is a lot more dangerous than me at no cost to you," she explained.

"You can direct all your votes to someone who has a very strong likelihood of winning and, if it blows back, it blows back on me."

Pitching her plea to Logan, Kaelan, Kristin and Zara - while also blowing up the plan to blindside her and Zara, Karin knew it was a risky move. And looking at the faces of her truly shocked tribemates, she knew the plan wasn't going to fly.

"I remember looking into Kristin and Logan's eyes and thought... yep. I've lost. It was just a blank, dead expression and I thought oh, okay."

On her way to Tribal, Karin had gone through every permutation of votes and realised that, if she somehow wasn't voted out that night, she'd likely be the next vote regardless because she'd never capitulate to Myles and AJ back at camp to extend her life in the game.

"These are all deluded hypotheticals I had in my head," she explained. "Day 37, not having eaten, on such an adrenaline surge, who even knows if I was right or wrong? But in that moment I was just like, nah, f**k it. Plan B."

Throughout the season, Karin became more and more frustrated that each time a plan was hatched a new, more confounding counter-plan would arise.

"I like a plan and I like to stick to it. That doesn't mean I'm not adaptable or flexible but I struggle when things change at the last minute. Then you have to play catch-up," Karin said.

"Or you have a perfectly straightforward plan and someone says, 'This actually looks a lot better' and blows it up. We could have gone from A to B but now we've gone from A to Z, back to C, over to D and back to B again. It really didn't need to have this many moving parts. I get it... but c'mon. Can we relax?

"There's a difference between calculated risk and organised chaos as opposed to just doing things for the sake of it, which is where I think I disagreed on multiple occasions with people," she continued.

In particular, Karin butted heads with AJ often on his chaotic approach to the game. While she admits that the pair think quite similarly, Karin explained, "We both have the same sort of madness, it's the method that differs".

After plans chopped and changed time and time again, Karin began to feel burned by having open chats about plans and moves that would be changed last minute. On top of it all, AJ kept his Immunity Idol a secret from her.

"That was the lowest-hanging fruit that I used to take an aggressive swipe at him because I could," she laughed. "Like, you're kind of pissing me off and I can take a jab at you, so I'm just going to do it. It was purely out of pettiness, but sometimes being petty feels really good."

While her torch was snuffed, Karin said being the third member of the jury was "the icing on the sh*t cupcake" of being voted out. "Now I get to look very skinny and very hot on the jury, giving the most ludicrous expressions when someone says something dumb.

"Now, nothing I do has any bearing on the future. I get to respond, I get to react, and I get to tell someone that, 'that is a ridiculously stupid move and I can't believe you did that'."

Describing the whole experience as a 'circuit breaker', Karin said going on Survivor was to prove to herself what she was capable of.

"Am I able to do these challenges, am I able to meet 23 vividly different people and modulate myself around them? It was more a self-discovery expedition than anything for me, and I think that's why I got so much out of it."

Returning to work after her time in the game, Karin's boss said she was like a different person. "I was like, yeah, I've figured out I can actually do these things. I can survive 37 days, I can go without food, I can do a lot of things if I belive in myself.

"I was at a point where something needed to change, and it did."

Australian Survivor Brains V Brawn II continues Monday - Tuesday at 7.30 pm and Sundays at 7pm on 10 and 10 Play