
All Stars: Who's On What Tribe?

Find out who has enemies, who has allies and who's out to get revenge...

Australian Survivor: All Stars has finally dropped, and it’s as epic as we’d predicted.

But some big questions are still floating around; have allies been reunited? Who will have to face off against an old foe? How do the two tribes measure up?

Never fear, we've got the hot goss on which tribe everyone landed on and who might have some bad blood.

PSA - we’ve stopped ourselves from including any major spoilers in case you still need to catch up on the full episode (hint, hint - go watch it now!)

"Mokuta means to strike" - JLP

Tribe: Lee (S1), Nick (S1), Henry (S2), Michelle (S2), Shonee (S3), Sharn (S3), Lydia(S3), Zach (S3), Shane(S3), Harry(S4), John (S4) & Abbey (S4).

Season 2

To kick off the list of bad blood between All Stars, Season 2 alumni Michelle was instrumental in the blindside of huge gameplayer Henry. This was the blindside that, for the first time in Australian Survivor history, saw a player sent home with an Idol in their pocket. Has enough time passed that it's water under the bridge? Or will Zen Hen try to take out Michelle? Only time will tell...

Season 3

Next up, the ultimate challenge beast, Lydia, was burnt by the wrath of Shane Gould in Season 3 when Shane organised a coup against her. Swiftly flying under the radar, Shane teamed up with Lydia's old allies and orchestrated a blindside against the Olympic champion. Now they're both back and on the same tribe, and there might be a target on Shane's back. The question is, how good is Lydia's aim?

During their season, Shane and Sharn had a strong alliance, which took them both all the way to the Final 2. It was here, however, that Shane beat Sharn in convincing the Jury that she deserved to win. Shane only won by one vote, which made it an incredibly tight sprint to the finish. We're intrigued to see how this relationship goes a second time around - will Sharn team up with the person who so closely beat her in winning the crown of Sole Survivor?

Shonee and Zach's relationship definitely wouldn't have been described as great in Season 3, with some of Zach's comments really rubbing Shonee, and the rest of their tribe, the wrong way. Could we see a redemption story? Or will history repeat itself?

Season 4

Last for Mokuta, but certainly not least, Harry and Abbey formed an unlikely and late alliance in Season 4, which led to several blindsides and led them to the Top 5. Could they possibly spark another alliance and make it to the end?

 "Vakuma means to burn" - JLP 

Tribe: Flick (S1),Brooke(S1), Phoebe(S1), Jacqui (S2), Jericho (S2), Locky (S2), Tarzan (S2), AK (S2), Mat (S3), Moana (S3), Daisy (S4) & David (S4)

Season 1

In what is arguably the biggest betrayal Australian Survivor has seen, Brooke was brutally blindsided by her best friend, Flick. Now, both Brooke and Flick are back, and landed on the same tribe. In Round 2, could these frenemies overcome the deceit? Or maybe Brooke will get her revenge? OR could Flick win another round? We CAN'T WAIT to find out.

Season 2

Back in Season 2, Tarzan and Locky never really saw eye-to-eye, as the fight for Alpha resulted in Tarzan getting sent home in a heroic fashion. At the same time, AK and Locky went up against each other in a struggle for power in the social game. This time around, who will be the Alpha?

Season 3

In what was a blossoming alliance, Mat and Moana became fast allies and quickly had each other's back. When Mo fell ill and had to leave the game, she slipped Mat her Hidden Immunity Idol, where he continued the game past merge until he was voted out with an Idol in his pocket. Could this be another opportunity for them to join forces?

Season 4

In the most recent season, Daisy and David started off in an alliance, but after Daisy's closest ally reappeared, Davo was left on the outs and ultimately was sent packing (with an Idol). If history is anything to go by, David doesn't take betrayal particularly well, so  Daisy may need to watch her back, because she might just have the Golden God coming after her.