
Houston, We Have a Problem Quoting Our Favourite Movies

"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth" is the infamous line by Tom Cruise in a Few Good Men, or is it? Apparently, we are struggling to quote our favourite movies correctly.

But, like the closing line of Some Like It Hot states, "Well nobody's perfect", or wait, is it "nobody puts baby in the corner", or was that Dirty Dancing?

Let me google it, but first, here are the most misquoted lines from films, according to

Top of the list is what many think to be the line from Apollo 13, "Houston, we have a problem."

While that's the line Tom Hanks says in the film, the real astronaut said: "Ah Houston, we've had a problem."

The second is "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves", which is actually "magic mirror on the wall".

Meanwhile, in a survey of around 2,000 people, most people didn't realise the actual quote in Casablanca is "Play it, Sam, play As Time Goes By" rather than "Play it again, Sam".

Another line often repeated incorrectly is "Twas beauty killed the beast" from the final line of King Kong when it should actually be "Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes, it was Beauty killed the beast".

Along with "Fasten your seat belts; it's going to be a bumpy ride." From All About Eve, which is actually "Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night."

A straightforward and very famous line that is often misquoted is the most famous scene with Darth Vader in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back being one of them.

The actual line is "No, I am your father", but many say, "Luke, I am your father".

The study also found that 29 per cent have fallen into arguments over misheard movie quotes.

Which sounds like one nerdy party I have definitely attended.

Other lines regularly recited include "You're going to need a bigger boat" from Jaws, "Do I feel lucky? Well, do you punk?" from Dirty Harry and "I'm the king of the world!" from Titanic.

In the words of Forrest Gump, "movies are like a box of chocolates; you never know which ones you're going to misquote."

And as someone has probably said in a movie, "go forth and enjoy!"