
'I Had Some Revenge To Take Out On These Guys': The Inspired Unemployed Up The Ante For Impractical Jokers Season 2

Jack, Falcon, Dom, and Liam return for another season of pranks, punishments and hilarious humiliation.

Four lifelong mates, endless ways to torture each other. The Inspired Unemployed return for another season of The Inspired Unemployed (Impractical Jokers), where the fearless foursome are fed lines and put in the most awkward scenarios in front of unsuspecting people while hidden cameras capture every cringe-worthy moment.

If, for any reason, they're unable to say or do what they're fed through an earpiece, the boys face a punishment which is often a scenario straight from their worst nightmares.

For those watching safely at home, the series is gut-wrenchingly hilarious, with the four mates putting each other in some of their worst nightmares. The first season set the precedent, so coming into the second was always going to require each of the boys to step it up in terms of what they were willing to do, and how far they were going to push their mates.

"I was so nervous going into season 2," Matt 'Falcon' Ford told 10 Play. "I went through hell in season 1 and I'm going to have to do that again?

"Knowing that people got a laugh out of it makes it a little bit better, but I was still so nervous. And I had some revenge to take out on these guys," Falcon continued. "I was ready for it."

"I think I got revenge-d on, 100 percent," Liam Moore added.

According to the other boys, Liam "has no mercy", and was the prime target for the upcoming season.

"We got him really good this one day where he was at the point of crying and I didn't even feel bad," Falcon laughed. "I knew he was going to be fine.... he didn't know he was going to be fine."

"It's pretty fun knowing you have, in between seasons 1 and 2, all those months to plan how to ruin your best mate's life on the show," Jack Steele added.

For about two months, the boys work with producers to come up with ideas that are hilariously torturous for their best mates, riffing on their greatest fears and insecurities and throwing them into the deep end. They get family, friends and partners involved, and in some cases, they spend weeks scheming behind each other's backs.

"We planned with Falcon's girlfriend to come do a punishment for about a month out," Jack said. "Falcon would come for a jog and Sarah was behind with me, we were chatting about [the punishment] and he stopped.

"We just had to stop talking instantly like, 'Oh yeah, nah, the day is nice', just talking about ruining his life before," Jack continued.

"It's kind of like you're being bullied a bit," Dom Littrich agreed, "everyone's talking behind your back and whispering. It's all fun and games until it's your punishment day and you're like, 'Oh, you guys are dicks.'"

Although they know what they're getting into, the four agreed that shooting the show had given them all a heightened sense of paranoia, knowing that at any point there could be something waiting for them around the corner. Especially when it comes to punishment days.

"Most of the time we drive to work together and you know it's a punishment day but have no idea what you're doing," Falcon said. "We might drive an hour some days and you're just sitting there freaking out while everyone else is having a chat. You try and look for clues but you just can't get anything."

"You try and think of every word they've said for the last month," Liam added. "Something that's going to come back on you and, when you get there, it's like, oh shit here we go."

The boys have known each other for years, so they of course know the best ways to torture one another but the real inspiration comes from another unlikely source: their loved ones.

"It's your friends, families or girlfriends that give you the ideas that will f**k them over which is the best," Jack said. "You have to know them so well, so you're on the phone with Falcon or Liam's mum, trying to steal [Falcon or Liam's] favourite belongings to ruin them, as a punishment, without them knowing it.

"You're kind of like FBI agents in the background, it's pretty fun," Jack continued.

Having worked across their massive social media empire, the boys are no strangers to starring in their own creations, but when it came to the first season it was a steep learning curve.

"I definitely learned how to be more comfortable in front of a camera," Liam said. "Season 1 was the first time I had ever stepped in front of a film crew, and I feel like the second time around I could actually just enjoy it a bit more and not think about what else is happening in the room. I could be in the moment and be more comfortable."

"It's the same for me," Falcon agreed, "more confidence coming into season 2 and knowing that [season 1] was well received. The whole time we were filming season 1 we were like, is anyone even going to like this? Is it funny?

"You watch yourself back and you're like, what the hell even is this? Once we saw it was well received and people were saying nice things to us we were like alright, season 2 let's have more fun," Falcon said.

"Even though you're still sh*tting yourself every time you go in, there's a bit of extra confidence knowing that it's a bit tried and tested," Dom added. "I felt like, in the first season, the nerves could overtake you but in the second there are people who have been planning [the prank] for so long you've just got to give it everything... just go for it."

"I just learned we have the most fun job in the world as four friends it's just the dream," Jack said, adding, "It's just the dream."

While the goal is to make each other's lives hell, the boys have a few lines they will not cross.

"Jack was very hard about not shaving his head," Liam revealed. "He said if we make him shave his head he's just going to walk out."

"If I shave my head it won't grow back, so I'm not doing it, simple as that," Jack laughed.

"There's nothing we won't do, but there are some things we haven't done yet," Dom added.

Jack agreed, saying, "We all know the limits... just."

The Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers premieres Wednesday, 14 August at 8.30pm on 10 and 10 Play, or stream the entire series on Paramount+