
What Do MacGyver And Team Scorpion Have In Common?

They’re the brightest of the bunch, the sharpest tools in the shed, the brainiest badasses saving the world today and they’re returning to ONE with fresh new seasons. Here are 5 things we love about Scorpion and MacGyver

MacGyver, season 2, channel one

Scorpion, season 4, channel one

1. They’re geniuses

MacGyver, season 2, channel one

Scorpion, season 4, channel one

2. They can make something out of nothing

MacGyver, season 2, channel one

Scorpion, season 4, channel one

3. They prove that the best men have big hearts and broad minds

MacGyver, season 2, channel one

Scorpion, season 4, channel one

4. They both have strong intelligent women on their teams

MacGyver, season 2, channel one

Scorpion, season 4, channel one

5. They’re courageous and driven by a sense of pursuing the greater good.

Watch Scorpion 6.30 Sundays and MacGyver 7.30 Mondays on ONE, or catch up on tenplay