Vislor Antilly, a German Shepherd known as Anti, played Gervais’ beloved dog Brandy through three seasons of the Netflix smash hit After Life, about a local newspaper reporter dealing with the tragic loss of his wife.
Gervais personally cast Brandy as his character Tony Johnson’s pet pooch and faithful friend.
In a statement, a devastated Gervais said: “This is such sad news. Anti was a beautiful soul. We hit it off straight away and she helped make After Life my favourite filming experience of all time. I’m so glad that I told her a hundred times a day that she was a very good girl.”
Anti was born in April 2011 in Herefordshire, at the home of Vislor Dog Training Centre where she was raised by trainers Travis and Ashley Foster.
She had her first taste of fame starring alongside Tom Cruise in Doug Liman’s Edge of Tomorrow in 2014. She also starred in Trespass Against Us and George Clooney’s film, The Boys In The Boat.
Her final time on camera was in July 2024, when Anti played a retired police dog in Midsomer Murders before retiring from her Life as an actor.
Antilly passed away peacefully at her home in Oxfordshire at the age of 13 years old.