However, scientists have an explanation for the phenomenon.
Sharing social media clips, locals were asking if anyone knew what the ‘rainbow cloud hybrid’ was.
Well, it turns out that the formation is referred to as a ‘scarf cloud’ or more formally, 'pileus'.
It's formed by the cooling and condensation of moist air forced up and over the peak.
According to SKYbrary, an online wiki created by the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation which provides aviation and cloud information:
"A pileus, also called scarf cloud or cap cloud, is a small, horizontal, lenticular-like cloud appearing above a cumulus or cumulonimbus cloud. Pileus clouds are often short-lived, with the main cloud beneath them rising through convection to absorb them.
"Pileus cloud formations are created when the air surrounding a cumuliform tower is rising so quickly that it condenses into a smooth umbrella or hood-like shape once it hits its dew point. As such, they are usually indicators of severe weather, and a pileus found atop a cumulus cloud often foreshadows transformation into a cumulonimbus cloud, as it indicates a strong updraft within the cloud.
"Occasionally, bright iridescent colours are seen in pileus clouds as sunlight is diffracted through water droplets in the cloud, which are all the stronger because diffracting droplets are small and similar in size. "Sometimes several pileus clouds are observed above each other."