

Trustworthy and loyal are the words Matt’s friends would use to describe him. While this Gold Coast lifeguard spends his days helping other people and his community, Matt knows the game of Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains might be a little different.

“I want to be trustworthy and loyal early on but at the right moment and time, I want to make those big moves because I’m here to play, not to just sit back and relax. In my everyday life, I’m just the nice guy that likes helping people, but out here, I might be the nice guy around camp, the nice guy to people’s faces but I’m out here to blindside, to find Idols, make moves and play big.”

But it will be hard for Matt to not play the Hero when it’s his instinct. He is excited for all the camp life – fishing, building the shelter and helping his fellow tribemates around camp and is ready to challenge himself and most importantly, take out some Villains.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about who these Villains will be and whether it’s a dodgy politician or dodgy car salesman, I’m excited to find out who they are and to send them home packing.”

Leaving his pregnant wife at home for his chance to win $500,000, Matt wants to make an impact on the game and have fun doing it!