So, is Australia at risk of being overlooked by Donald Trump?
The former PM joined a growing chorus of voices warning that our $368 billion dollar purchase of at least 8 American submarines, under AUKUS, is not a guarantee that the subs will be delivered.
The problem?
A caveat that means receipt of the subs depends on the US being able to sustain its own navy capabilities first, which it’s not sure it can.
Then there’s the issue of whether the Americans will want to honour the deal under Trump.
Today, a Labor party grassroots campaign wrote a letter to every candidate and MP, calling for AUKUS to be dumped.
And Trump’s treatment towards allies in the tariff wars is triggering concerns.
The government - which in January made an $800 million dollar down payment - and the opposition are vowing to stay the course
But as Trump rewrites the rulebook…are we just some dumb guys who need to jump ship?