
Adorable Seemingly-Abandoned Kitten Turns Out To Be Dangerous Wildcat

An adorable, seemingly abandoned kitten that was brought into an animal shelter in Germany ended up being an aggressive wildcat.

Workers at Tierheim Bergheim animal shelter in Bergheim, Germany, accepted the kitten after it was brought in by a good Samaritan who had found it on the side of the road.

Initially, the good Samaritan had brought the cat home but realised it was very feisty and refused to eat, and surrendered it to the shelter.

The shelter posted a video of the adorable animal hissing to its Facebook page, writing that the animal had to be moved to the wildlife station, Retschieder Hof.

The shelter told Dodo: “Staff [at the shelter] immediately recognised that this was not an ordinary domestic kitten.

“The specific characteristics and behaviour indicated that they were dealing with a wildcat. That prompted the animal shelter staff to contact us immediately.”

The wildlife station had another cat of the same species. The pair of cats will remain there until they are old enough to be released into the wild.

“We are currently working hard to give both animals the support and care they need,” the wildlife centre spokesperson continued.

“We do our best to make their stay as comfortable as possible. Every progress they make is followed here with great enthusiasm and hope.”