Real estate agent Kim Doggett from Nebraska explained that she often leaves groceries outside on the patio when her fridge is full, due to the icy winter temperatures.
“I always have a house full and we cook a lot, and when you run out of room in the fridge, you just sit it on the table outside in the winter,” she explained to Forbes
On Sunday evening, Doggett sent her son out onto the deck to do just that, but he was met by a chocolate-covered opossum. Beside it, lay the evidence of a nearly entirely devoured Costco chocolate mousse cake.
“She didn’t look so great – she was kind of panting,” Doggett told The Washington Post.
The mother and son attempted to shoo the Cake Bandit away, before considering whether chocolate could be toxic to opossums.
“I knew there was no way I could just leave a sick opossum there overnight,” she told The Washington Post. “Obviously, it had too much of a good thing.”
Doggett called the American Humane Society, which retrieved and transported the animal to Nebraska Wildlife Rehab, where the bandit is expected to make a full recovery.
The Wildlife Rehab posted an image of the Cake Bandit to their socials, and people are finding the opossum’s actions to be extremely relatable.
“We’ve all been there, girl”, one commenter wrote.
“I relate to this opossum on a spiritual level,” another added.
One person admitted, “I don’t know how to act around chocolate cake either.”
While another declared, “she is such a queen for that.”