How did you come up with your wrestling name?
Princess Aussie: "The word “Princess” typically refers to someone that needed a man - a damsel in distress, which is kind of something we were all raised on, in movies and in films. We wanted to take the word “Princess” and turn it into something powerful, which really came from being a warrior, and being independent, and confident and being everything you want to be in a woman and in yourself. So that’s where “Princess” came from, and “Aussie”, well I’m Australian so we added that in there as well so I could represent Australia.
Genesis: "My wrestling name, the amazing name of Genesis was thought up partly with the WOW promotion, but it also did come from my story being part of Team Exile. We were thinking of names that were strong. It meant the beginning of a new faction, a new team in WOW, and so “Genesis” just fit me perfectly".
Any other wrestler names you were considering?
Princess Aussie: "There weren’t really any other names we were considering, as it came so naturally. Once “Princess Aussie” was put out there, that’s what we ran with and hey, the crown fits!".
Genesis: "I didn’t really have any other names I was considering, because when I came back to WOW, I was already on a little bit of an Exile path, and then when we thought of those strong names, Genesis just stuck with me right away".
What is the best wrestler name ever?
Princess Aussie: "That is a hard one, I’m a really big fan of The Rock and I love everything that his gimmick and character come with, so I’m going to say The Rock".
Genesis: "Aside from “Genesis”, one I do like is “Rey Mysterio” which I think is such a cool sounding name and has meaning, in Spanish it means “The King Of Mystery” and it think it sounds great. But let’s be real, “Genesis” is the best name in wrestling".
Any advice for new wrestlers deciding on their wrestler’s name?
Princess Aussie: "It is OK if the first one doesn’t stick, you don’t have to pick one and that be it forever. You find yourself as you start moving through the wrestling world. You find yourself as a wrestler more, and your move sets, and it might slide in more naturally later in your career. Play around with some things and see what fits".
Genesis: "If there’s any advice, I could give a new wrestler picking a name, I’d say think of something that fits your situation at the time. I think it’s something you’ll always remember and why you decided to be a wrestler. If it can have a special meaning for you that always makes it better, and… make sure it sounds cool".