
Wife Baffled After Husband Bans All Nicknames For Their Son

A dad in the UK has laid down the law, telling his wife that he doesn't want his son Daniel to have a nickname, ever!

Apparently, he feels that, at age two, Daniel is too old to be called Danny.

Daniel's mum says he's also insisted they tell family, friends, and daycare to only use Daniel's full name.

Taking to Mumsnet, the baffled mum explained that her husband said that he doesn't mind when people call their son Danny when he's "little" but that he believes the nickname is "babyish."

"My husband is now saying we should tell nursery and relatives it's Daniel. I disagree, especially regarding family. I'm sure nursery would raise an eyebrow but probably do it, and anyway, we're not in there to see whether they do or not!

"My husband plans to tell my family on Sunday when we see them, which is going to be met with incredulity and probably laughter. I suspect they'll agree as they'll appreciate it's a 'your child your rules thing', but I think it's ridiculous!"

Many rushed to the comments, urging the woman's husband to "lighten up" and that "you can't control what people call him."

One person wrote, "You can't control what people call him; it's very common to call someone Danny, and there's nothing wrong with that. You can't stop him from making his announcement but no one has to obey him."

"It's a totally pointless battle. In a year's time, your son will almost certainly have a preference of his own," another added.