As an antidote to screen fatigue and unlimited distractions, young people appear to be taking a liking to the landline phone. They apparently appreciate the idea of a single-purpose tool that just makes phone calls.
It’s hard to hear because they clearly have no idea what appreciation really is – like we appreciated when no one came into the pantry where we hiding so we could have some form of a private phone call on the family phone.
We appreciated when someone wouldn’t pick up the phone disconnecting us from the dial up internet we just spent 3 minutes waiting to connect to.
Appreciation is seeing a choreographed dance on Video Hits – the kids today have no idea what the world was like pre Tik Tok. All we had was S Club 7 – the seven being the number of people in the band as well as the number of days we had to wait to see another dance.
According to research by only 29 per cent of Australians have a landline and regularly use it, most of them older Australians.
It’s in America that the phone nostalgia is taking off. They have similar data to us Aussie, with only 30% of households having a landline connected.
The trend mostly involves old-fashioned handsets, especially those from the 1950s and 1960s. They aren’t quite traditional as they have been refurbished so that they may connect to a mobile phone network via Bluetooth.
Which makes the popularity of this trend a little easier to understand. They don’t have to share a phone number with their siblings and then still get to slam the phone down dramatically after a fight. I’m getting the appeal now.
We haven't gone back to the landline era at all. We just found a way to be on the phone without having to go on speaker if you are wanting to play Worlde at the same time.
I look forward to as well as dread the incoming Tik Toks of people lip-synching down the pastel rotary landline.