
Chocolate Prices Set To Soar As Cocoa Cost Reaches 50-Year High

Chocolate prices are expected to soar as the cost of cocoa reaches its highest level in 50 years.

This year, the price of cocoa hit a crazy sugar high of $17,300AUD per tonne as a result of a global cocoa shortage, meaning the price increase will be passed on to customers. 

Seventy per cent of the world’s cocoa is grown in West Africa, a region that has experienced severe weather, disease in cocoa trees, and chronic underinvestment in cocoa farms. 

These issues have resulted in a global shortage that will not be quickly fixed, according to the RaboResearch report.

“Due to the lag in the supply chain and existing contracts, the steepest price hikes are anticipated in the second half of 2024 and into 2025,” RaboResearch analyst Paul Joules said. 

“This would inevitably lead to higher prices for consumers, particularly for dark chocolates with higher cocoa content.”

Joule went on to say that chocolate bars may become smaller or drop in quality as companies attempt to reduce the cost of the product while maintaining the same price.

“These tactics, while effective, are often unpopular with consumers,” he said.

A spokesperson for Nestlé Oceania said the cost of cocoa was “a considerable factor in the price of our chocolate, but not the only one.”

“We have not passed on all the cost increases but are working hard to keep prices as low as possible to keep our products affordable while continuing to deliver the same quality and delicious tasting products that people know and love.”

That’s all well and good, but I need to hear this from Cadbury’s, and I need to hear it before Easter.