Whether you’re celebrating the ancient Pagan festival of Saturnalia, getting into the Christmas spirit or dreading the obligatory social custom of gift-giving like Sheldon, there is no doubt that the holidays are a busy time of year.
Here are some moments from The Big Bang Theory that perfectly sum up everything that goes down during the festive season.
5pm has hit and its officially time to clock off from work. It’s been a big year and the holiday break could not have come sooner - you deserve it!
Once you’ve recovered from the end-of-work exhaustion, it finally sinks in that Santa’s coming.
But then it hits that you’re still single and you’ll spend Christmas lunch sitting on a plastic chair at the kids’ table, fielding endless questions from Aunt Marge about your love life.
After spending two full days rushing around the shopping centre, you’ve finally finished your Christmas shopping and promise yourself you’ll be more organised next year. But deep down you know that's not going to happen.
Christmas Day is finally here and the whole family gathers at Grandma’s place. When your favourite cousin arrives you just can’t hide your excitement.
During lunch, your politically opposed aunt and uncle start arguing about infrastructure and government funding. Juicy!
But then you somehow get roped into the argument.
All jokes aside, you are so excited to be able to spend Christmas with your loved ones.
Even though after two years in and out of lockdown, you’re not quite used to this level of socialisation.
Once Christmas is over, you find yourself in that awkward week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, where time isn’t real and your diet consists of candy canes and leftover Christmas ham. It’s okay, everyone goes a bit loopy during this time.
Suddenly, it’s 11:59pm on New Year’s Eve and you feel the urge to tell everyone you’ve ever known just how much you appreciate them.
And there’s always that one person who takes the celebrating too seriously.
Before you know it, the holidays are over and it’s time to set your early alarms again.