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One of the final two Bachelors opens his heart to Sam, leaving her absolutely speechless
The happy couple share a special message of thanks with everyone at home
Listen up Bachelors! Sam describes the qualities she's looking for in a prospective partner
From sneaky smooches to playful pecks and full-blown pashes, pucker up for the best kisses from The Bachelorette season 1
Grab the tissues and prepare to shed a tear as we recap the toughest, most emotional Bachelorette moments
Sam's top three Bachelors weren't shy about bringing out the L-word. Get swept up in the L-O-V-E all over again!
When confronted with some curly questions from Sam's sister, this Bachelor has to think on his feet
Sam and her date spend a very relaxing and romantic afternoon in a thermal hot spring
This is it: the moment Sam declares her love for one very special man
Although Michael's fairytale may not have come true, the professional sportsman with a "beautiful soul" will always hold a special place in Sam's heart
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