Age: 29
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
State: QLD
Confident, feisty and hot-headed, Roxi loves to go on crazy adventures and is looking for a smart guy who is rough around the edges. The only prerequisite this Mechanical Engineer has is that he can’t be smarter than her, as she wants to win all arguments!
Why do you think you are still single?
I don’t go out to meet a lot of people, so I’m not putting myself out there enough.
What’s the worst date you have been on?
I haven’t been on many dates, so can’t say I have ever had any doozys.
What makes you the ultimate catch for the Bachelor?
I am a qualified Mechanical Engineer who is halfway through a law degree. I drive a beautiful BMW sports car and live in my own unit. On paper, I’m a catch!
What’s your idea of a perfect wedding?
A garden wedding with lots of beautiful flowers would be unreal.
How would you handle confrontation in the mansion?
If I am not involved, I usually try to stay out of it. If someone has a go at me, I will always stand my ground. I don’t start arguments, I finish them.