


EPISODE: 3/034 Plants and Animals

Whether it crawls, creeps, grows or germinates you can bet we’ve got it covered in this episode all about plants and animals! We catch up with your favourite polar bear Henry, learn all about the fascinating world of coral and discover what makes the relationship between mangroves and dolphins so special! So slither, sprout or slink in for another jam packed episode of SCOPE, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Henry the Polar Bear

Last time we visited Henry he was only just a cub but now he’s all grown up! Join Polar Bear Keeper Matt Coogan from Seaworld as he gives us an update on our favourite polar bear Henry and what he’s up to now!

Butterfly Plants
Butterflies are light, bright and beautiful creatures that live in collaboration with the plants that they pollenate. That’s why it takes both a keeper and a horticulturalists to look after all the butterflies at Melbourne Zoo. Join Ando and Konrad as they explain the intricate relationship that these living things share.

DIY – CD Case Beans
You can learn a lot about botany by just observing a plant. The only problem is half of it is underground! That’s where junior scientist India’s invention comes into play. With some old CD cases, potting mix and seeds she’ll show you a great way to observe how a plants root system works.

Watch this experiment now! Email us for experiment instructions!

Corals Bleaching
Coral is a marine animal that is vitally important to our reefs. That’s right, an animal! Dr Luke Nothdurft from Queensland University of Technology sheds some light on these colourful marine creatures and why they sometimes lose their colour.

Mangroves and Dolphins
Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary conservation officers Jamie Hicks and Christina Vicente show off their extraordinary workplace- a mangrove ecosystem that’s 10 000 years old and home to its own population of dolphins!

So slither, sprout or slink in for another jam packed episode of SCOPE, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Watch Scope Season 3 Episode 034 PLANTS AND ANIMALS now!