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In the aftermath of the escape, a distraught Merle is sedated and committed to a mental institution.
Rita carries out the robbery but is recaptured and brought back to Wentworth in a bad way. Joan goes to pick up the cash but chickens out.
Rita escapes from Wentworth to carry out her robbery. Kath and Merle are reunited and the women learn of Rita's condition.
Joan surprises everyone when she volunteers to be Rita's constant help. Harry makes an unexpected announcement.
Rita counsels Kath and stops her killing herself. The women find a weapon to defeat Rodney with.
Rita struggles to come to terms with the news of her impending death.
Rita receives some devastating news from the doctor about her ill health. Kath finally manages to escape from her minders.
Spider finally succeeds in pushing Rita too far. Rodney makes plans to get back at Lisa.
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