
Sheila's Recap A town under a cloud of suspicion

Sheila gives her rundown on the latest happenings in Erinsborough.

There’s a saying that goes something along the lines of “only the good die young. - but it would seem in this case, this isn’t necessarily the truth. Robbo Slade was not good…but he was young…and even though he was a pain in the rear end, I don’t think the man deserved to die. But he did and there’s not much anybody can do about it.


To be completely honest, the whole death really has shaken up Erinsborough. More than anybody could have predicted. I suppose the main reason is because of the bizarre circumstances surrounding the hit and run. It’s not very often you’ve got so many people with genuine motives for wanting the guy gone. But more than that, it’s the fact that people didn’t like the guy - and now he’s dead, I really get the sense everybody is feeling a sense of guilt and confusion. Death is never a good thing, obviously. But death clouded in suspicious circumstances is even worse. I think it’s really starting to take its toll on everybody in Erinsborough.


Now, Toadie is utterly convinced it was him who ran Robbo down. And of course, Sonya is thinking the exact opposite. She’s 100 per cent certain it was not Toadie. But I mean, obviously she’d think that, wouldn’t she?! Nobody would ever want to believe their husband committed such a crime! Not that I don’t blame the woman. If it were my husband up for potential manslaughter charges, I’d be more inclined to believe that too… Mind you, if Frank was still alive, there’s no way I’d ever need to worry about something like that – the man wouldn’t hurt a fly! (Not saying Toadie would either…)

Then there’s that Mason Turner boy. He’s been slinking around more than ever. This doesn’t surprise me one bit. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason he’s acting so suss actually has nothing to do with Robbo’s death at all. He’s always up to to something and it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a murderer… Kate’s not so convinced though. Oh well, none of my beeswax I suppose. It’s just another strike against their already floundering relationship.


Oh and did you hear about what happened with that poor young Willis girl? Apparently she collapsed in the Willis backyard due to stress…Well, that’s the story. But I have a feeling a there’s a little bit more going on than meets the eye with that one. Everything is not as fine and chirpy as she’d have you believe! I’ll have to wait until I find out the full story though before I start throwing around accusations.


And on a lighter note…young Bailey’s attempts to make Lou feel good about himself have really backfired. The old codger is not only still convinced I’ve got feelings for him, but also convinced I’m trying to sabotage his chances with other women. It never ceases to amaze me how deluded one human being could possibly be.
