I don’t know what it is that’s going on with young girls these days, but it would appear to me that there is something very wrong with the way they view themselves. First we had that gorgeous young thing Imogen Willis struggling with her body image, and now from what I’ve heard on the grape vine, that young friend of Callum’s, Josie, is also beginning to show similar signs. From what I’ve gathered, she’s developed a somewhat unhealthy self-image and Sonya’s really quite concerned about her. To make matters worse, that Gem girl went and embarrassed her in front of the entire class. Called her a nerd of something like that. Unbelievable. I mean, let’s face it, the girl probably is a nerd… but as a teacher you don’t just go saying things like that to young girls, especially in front of the entire classroom like that…it’s just not on! These young women need to stick together and not throw each other under the bus like that.
I must say, it’s incredibly saddening to see when young and easily influenced girls start getting all pre-occupied with their weight and general appearance. To an extent it’s a natural part of growing up and we all do it, but gosh some of them really do take it too far. It’s mighty frustrating for me because I just want to grab some of these young girls and say “wake up to yourself and look at how stunning you are”…I would kill to look even half as good as these girls (again). But I’m afraid it’s not as simple as that, is it. I feel for their mothers that’s for sure.
To be honest, I’d actually been under the impression Imogen Willis was feeling a lot better about everything things were under control. But apparently a perceived rejection from whom I suspect might be that Turner boy, sent the poor lass into a real tizz again. It’s really terrible when girls don’t feel good about themselves. Anyway, how would she even know if Mason does or doesn’t like her? Women always assume the worst. Especially young women with poor self-esteem! I wouldn’t be surprised if that Mason Turner does have feelings for her and he just doesn’t realise it yet. Men really can be daft creatures at times you know?! Stay tuned on this one I reckon…
Now, onto something a little less serious…and if you’re asking me, something a wee bit hilarious actually! Well hilarious for me that is and not all that funny for the people involved. So I was at that old Bric A’ Brac store down near Grease Monkey’s and I came across an old sketch. One side of it was clearly Brad Willis and the other side was a sketch of a house. Long story short, it was an old sketch from none other than Lauren Turner. Pretty funny if you ask me, because last time I looked she wasn’t married to Brad…she was married to Matt! Now, I was looking at this mighty fine specimen of a man when I noticed Matt Turner was also present, looking at the other side of the sketch. Of course he recognised the sketch – it had been hanging in the Turner house for years! Little had he known, this whole time, there had been a naughty little portrait of a handsome young Brad Willis on the other side. You can imagine Matt Turner’s reaction. He was anything but impressed. Brad Willis has just shrugged the whole thing off as ridiculous, but my spidey senses tell me there’s a lot more going on beneath the surface with that situation and I’ll be waiting for it all to come out. Which, it inevitably will…after all it is Erinsborough!
Now, that Rhiannon is sure causing a ruckus! And why am I not surprised?! She’s rocked up back in town with hopes of becoming the next face of Lassiter’s and with her, she’s brought along her son Jackson. The two of them are staying at the Kennedy’s and I must say, this is just too weird for words if you ask me. I know the Kennedy’s are partial to the odd stray or two…but really, to just lob yourself at the home of some people you don’t know from a bar of soup…it just seems kind of ludicrous if you ask me! I’ll be interested to see how it pans out and if that Mason ends up giving her another whirl…if you know what I mean.