
Paul Obrien appears on Neighbours

Former Home And Away hunk Paul O’Brien makes a special guest appearance on Neighbours from next week.

However, fans are excused if they don’t instantly recognize the Logie Award winning actor who is currently sporting an impressive beard which he has nurtured for the past eight months.

Former Home And Away hunk Paul O’Brien makes a special guest appearance on Neighbours from next week.  However, fans are excused if they don’t instantly recognize the Logie Award winning actor who is currently sporting an impressive beard which he has nurtured for the past eight months.

Paul maneuvered his busy schedule to play Eric Edwards, a client of Toadie who is caught up in an ugly dispute, during some down time on a film he is shooting in Jakarta which required the beard.

“The beard was definitely non-negotiable as I needed it to finish the film, however the timing worked out well to do both projects and I hope the new look adds to the role,” said Paul.

The popular actor added he has had some interesting reactions to his new look.

“I’ve had a lot of double takes with people saying ‘aren’t  you’ and then they just walk on,” joked Paul.

Paul’s episodes start on Aussie screens on October 10 and November 7 for UK fans.