
Hey Girl, I'm Evil Finn, Erinsborough's Resident Green-Eyed Monster

He’s charming, manipulative and ruthless, with an aneurism in his brain, and a crazed desire to become school principal.

In his bid for the top job, he poisoned people who got in his way. Lives have been risked. How has he managed to get away with it? With a little Ryan Gosling-esque ‘Hey Girl.’

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, I made you a tea. I hear tea mends bridges burnt by lies, character assassination and serious manipulation. I even let it steep for 5 minutes, just the way you like it.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, remember that time I screwed with your mind and you ran me over? What amazing times we shared.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, you make teaching science fulfilling. Cells and conscious thought, etc. You’re going to be a great nurse. You’re exceptional. Do my bidding.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey boy, you really know your way around an engine. Who knew the principal’s grandson would be an exceptional mechanic? You should drop out of high school. To follow your dreams, of course.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, you’re an amazing principal. Exceptional. Will you be my mentor? Help me take your job.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, you won’t tell anyone about my aneurism, will you? I’m just trying to live my life to the fullest, cherish what moments I have left, become school principal before I die. You understand.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, you’re the love of my life, tell me what you know about the school principal.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, can you say – Principal Poison pinches Piper’s pills?”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, is this a peel-off name plate?”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, I bought jewellery for your birthday. It’s not inappropriate if no one knows.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, I’ll be filling in the position of principal while you’re sick. Keep taking those vitamin pills.”

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven
Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey girl, don’t strike, I’m the principal. Hmm, I think I bought the wrong student jewellery."

Neighbours, 2017, channel eleven

“Hey constable Brennan, sure, I’ll come into the station to answer those questions. I’ll meet you there. You’re exceptional. I’m the principal, nothing can stop me.”

Watch Neighbours 6.30 weeknights on ELEVEN