Juggling maternal duties with matters of state is no mean feat, so how does Madam Secretary, Elizabeth ‘Bess’ McCord, make it look so easy? By following these five key rules for maintaining a healthy work-life balance when you’re America’s highest ranking power mom.
1. Have regular family holidays
Inviting the brood on State Department trips is a great way of enjoying a family vacay on the taxpayer’s dime. Since time for actual holidaymaking is short, up the excitement for your little darlings by choosing a destination that’s blighted by political unrest, or seismic shifts.
2. Leave a little mystery
If you want your relationship to retain that certain spark, keeping secrets can be a powerful marital aid, particularly if your partner happens to be in the spy game. So you go right ahead and keep those state secrets close to your chest, while your partner keeps classified intel close to theirs. Chances are, when you enter the bedroom, you’ll have ways of making each other talk.
3. Don’t miss the important moments
The college visit is an important milestone in any parent’s life, so let no national crisis stand in your way. Just because you’re out of the Oval though, doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy some trappings of the office, so have a marching band announce your arrival. Suffering from political FOMO? Launch into a heated debate with some disgruntled college activists. Your offspring may not appreciate the attention, but since you’re paying their tuition, they can deal.
4. Leave no sibling behind
We know you’re busy, but reach out to your bro or sis every now and then. Having their confidence is essential if you ever want to tap them up for information relating to matters of national security. Don’t lose sleep if they feel betrayed, just buy them a really great birthday pressie. Actually, maybe have your assistant buy it; your calendar really is pretty full.
5. Play matchmaker
Naturally you have high standards for who your child dates, so why not comb the corridors of power for potential suitors. Better yet, fan the flames of affection between your progeny and the President’s - that’s one powerful gene pool. Just remember that should incriminating photos arise, it’s your job to nip that PR disaster in the bud.
Madam Secretary's season finale airs 9.40 Wednesday on TEN