
'Latched On Something Chronic': Nick Cummins Bitten By Snake In Horror Trial

Nick Cummins was put to the ultimate test to see if he really was as strong as a Honey Badger, but the challenge took a turn.

On Tuesday night, the camp's latest addition was sent off to a solo trial where he was put to the test, proving once and for all if he could live up to the reputation of his nickname the Honey Badger.

After seeing a documentary where the mighty animal went head-to-head with a lion, Nick took up the mantle, hoping to emulate the underdog mammal's aggression, lack of fear, and nimble nature.

Chris and Julia set up a trial consisting of five rounds where Nick would have to prove he is just as strong, fearless and mighty as the humble honey badger. In the first challenge, Nick had to climb a pole to reach a 'beehive' and retrieve stars. In order to simulate the response of angry bees, he had electrodes strapped to his body, sending shocks to the International Wallaby as he climbed.

Then he had to eat a whole honey-soaked Madagascan Hissing Cockroach, attempt to tear apart a football in under two minutes, and finally, he had to hold his hand over a snake in a box for 30 seconds.

As soon as Nick put his hand in the box, the snake struck, biting his open hand and wrapping itself around his wrist.

With the snake quickly removed and Nick's hand freed, the Honey Badger was quick to laugh it off saying it was "an epic experience".

Returning to camp, Nick told his fellow celebs exactly what had happened in a way only the Honey Badger could: "[I] whacked me hand in there and the big fella latched on something chronic."

Despite the shocking injury, Nick managed to bring home a whopping 10 stars for the camp, which was welcomed with elated screams as they recover from their string of days of minimal food.

Being the newest in the camp, Nick admitted to feeling like he had to prove himself to the others, and couldn't come home empty-handed.

Meanwhile, Woody Whitelaw claimed that Nick had reached "god status" for not only surviving the snake bite but thriving in the challenge set before him.

While many others would have bailed on the challenge after even just the mention of a snake, Nick's known to spend a lot of time in the bush and around wildlife. In September 2021 a video went viral when he rescued a sheep from a barbed wire fence.

He's also no stranger to snakes, last August a non-venomous snake slithered onto his property and was about to make quite a meal of Nick's chooks.

As the viral video plainly put it, "You think the honey badger cares? The honey badger doesn't give a sh*t."

I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! airs Sunday - Thursday at 7.30 on 10 and 10 Play on demand.