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Hour Of Power - S2024 Ep. 20
G | Lifestyle

Air Date: Sun 9 Feb 2025

Hour Of Power with Bobby Schuller equips you with the tools you need to become a flourishing apprentice of Jesus.




About the Show

Bobby's call to you, no matter how wounded, broken, or 'unwanted', is to "believe in the God that believes in you." This message goes out to nearly 5 million people around the globe every week.

Through television, internet, radio, and the local church, Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller equips you with the tools you need to become a flourishing apprentice of Jesus. Bobby interviews dynamic individuals whose life experiences exemplify being “a happy and whole student of Jesus” and hosts a celebration of worship music, hymns, and masterworks performed by the Hour of Power Choir and Orchestra.

The Hour of Power church service continues as a positive voice of hope and healing, broadcast from Southern California into hearts and homes across Australia since 1976.

At Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller, we believe in the dignity of every single human being. We also believe that if you truly feel and know God’s love personally, you will be compelled to live as happy and whole students of Jesus. We know this because we see it every day in letters and emails we read and stories we hear from people whose lives have been radically transformed by the positive, amazing power of Jesus Christ.

The only way to truly live in this kind of dignity and power is to become a follower of Jesus Christ. This means that you trust your life to Jesus Christ and choose to do what he taught. He wants you to be a representative of his light and love to those you do life with. Every month thousands of people write to the Ministry offices in Sydney requesting materials, supporting the work, requesting prayer or help in many different ways.

Hour of Power Australia PO Box 1407 North Sydney NSW 2059 Telephone: 1300 363 114 or 02 9959 4060