“I think he’s a dick. But I think it’s interesting to have the people question.”
Symon embraces Married At First Sight’s couples asking the tough questions, but it doesn’t change how he feels about Michael.
“I don’t want that coming up my Tijuana, I want bloody toilet paper.”
If you’re going to get Keith on Travel Guides, it’s strictly bog roll not bidets.
Kate: “Everything had a smoke machine.” Matt: “I think that’s how we got together. I couldn’t see you.”
The Eighties: Video Killed The Radio Star brings out the Daltons’ romantic side.
Angie: “This conversation’s got me all hot and schweaty…” Yvie: “I’m not doing it with you.” Millennials should be having more sex, suggests The Weekly. Yvie ain’t buying.
Lee: “He’s been playing with his snake since he was 16.” Keith: “I beat him.”
Nature boy Chris Humfrey has nothing on Keith.
Anastasia: “Naked pictures revealed his… Oh my god, Faye. It’s a whopper! It’s a whopper!” Faye: “Your phone’s bigger than mine, show me!”
Orlando’s bloomin’ huge member has Anatasia and Faye flabbergasted.
Angie: “… Then he got hit by a car. Then his wife’s baby just died.” Symon: “That’s a terrible day.” Adam: “Talk about a case of the Mondays.” Don’t worry Toadie, who needs good Neighbours when you’ve got Goggleboxers?