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Mothers must balance on their sons' shoulders while on a ledge 100 feet in the air.
Teams of women and men from the Army, Navy and Air Force compete against each other.
Contestants launch over a farmhouse into a pit of mud and evade attack dogs while searching for hubcaps in a junkyard.
Contestants pair up with strangers racing against time and weight under water, eating awful things and crawling under a moving train.
It's Celebrity Fear Factor where stars compete in a water stunt, an isolation challenge and a driving obstacle-course.
Teams must work together to complete a helicopter and personal watercraft stunt.
Reality TV stars compete in challenges involving hypothermia, spider-covered women and exploding cars.
Teams of reality TV vets compete in a rescue from a burning houseboat, followed by a challenging underwater stunt.
Reality TV stars get 15 more minutes of fame as they compete against one another in a demolition derby and a skull-hunt in a swamp.
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